25 August 2014. Academic Board of the Foundation «Metropoli Bisanzio»

On August, 25, the Academic Board of the Foundation «Metropoli Bisanzio» conducted a meeting to define the short list of the competition for the Award for the best book on Byzantium written in the Russian language. After a lasting and hot discussion the following books were shortlisted (the books are mentioned in the order of their submission):

«Byzantine Antiquities. Works of Art of the IV-XV Centuries in the Collections of the Moscow Kremlin Museums». 2013.

«The Decline of the Empire: The Intellectual Environment of Late Byzantium». 2013. T. V. Kushch

«The Evolution of the Monetary Systems of the Black Sea Coast and the Balkans in the XIII-XV centuries 2011». A. L. Ponomarev.

All the finalists will be invited to Rome on September, 26 to take part in the ceremonial meeting, where the winner will be announced.

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