27/30 May 2013. The project ÀÑÅÂ on the Italian Russian Task Force at Nizhny Novgorod.

The cultural project ACEB was presented to the public at the  XXII edition of the Italian Russian Task Force at Nizhny Novgorod.

The activity of the Task Force is based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Italian and Russian Government on the development of the industrial districts in the Russian Federation based on the Italian experience, this Memorandum was signed during the official visit of Putin V.V. in Italy in the July 2003.

During the work on the Task Force, which are held twice a year on an equal basis in Russia and Italy, the Italian and Russian projects for investment are presented, direct contacts between entrepreneurs of the two countries are held. Currently based on the amount of participants and the quality of the presentations the Task Force has become a prestigious Italian-Russian business forum

The Foundation Metropoli due  to its original ideas and projects has attracted a lot of attention not only by the Ministry of the Economic Development, but also by the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Italy, the Italian Embassy in Moscow and other public and private structures.

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