Venice Film Festival September 1-11, 2010

Fund’s guests were invited to the opening of the 67th Venice Film Festival and immersed themselves into the magic atmosphere of the Cinema world and spent several days on the verge of reality and fantasy. The film festival suggested the fund's guest to stay with all the film stars at the legendary Excelsior Hotel in front of the Cinema Palace, the venue of the opening ceremony. All main events, meetings, compliments and photo sessions took place at the hotel terrace and in the lobby, where live film heroes talked with film directors, producers, journalists, and admirers. Photo cameras flashed blind even on those who felt newcomers in this world of fame of Natalie Portman, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, and Jessica Alba! Curiously enough, it turned out easy to match the solemn moment. The fund delegation walked the red carpet to the opening ceremony to the Cinema Palace after the festival jury, this year chaired by Quentin Tarantino.

Next day, the guests started from the hotel berth to the heart of Venice – Piazza San Marco, where the city tour began. Basilica di San Marco, Scuola San Rocco, galleries of the Academy, Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo… and, of course, gondola journeys in the sun-lit Venice – all this complemented the delight of the festivity experienced the day before.

Festival del Cinema di Venezia Festival del Cinema di Venezia Festival del Cinema di Venezia

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