3-5 May 2013. Agreement between the Foundation Metropoli and the Club I Borghi piu Belli d’Italia

Vipiteno (BZ), 3/4/5 May 2013

On the occasion of the XIII National Assembly of the Club I Borghi piu Belli d’Italia the presentation of the Foundation Metropoli took place during which the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Foundation and the Club. This Memorandum includes synergy in the Foundation’s project ACEB (Association of Town the heirs of Byzantium).

The Club I Borghi piu Belli d’Italia was established in March 2001 and was created from the input of the Council for Tourism of the Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI). This joint initiative is aimed at the exploitation and dissemination of the great heritage of History, Art, Culture, Environment and Traditions of the great realities of small and medium Italian centers which remain in the vast majority marginalized from the flows of visitors and tourists. Therefore, one of the focal points of the activity of ACEB together with I Borghi piu Belli d’Italia is also the promotion of the a quality incoming Russian activity.

Currently 221 Italian municipalities belong to the Club, thirty of which are carriers of the culture of Byzantium.


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